Dreamcatcher Tattoo

Basically, a dreamcatcher is an item which belongs to Native American culture and was traditionally used to bring good dreams for newborn babies, by trapping bad ones and also the evil spirits. Structurally, dreamcatcher constitutes of a woven web, adorned with shells, beads, feathers or gemstones.

It is hung over the bed or door of the bedroom so that it would trap the negative energy and filter only positive energy to reach the baby sleeping under it. Another notion is that it lets negative dreams to pass through and keeps back the positive ones, so that they could become the part of the destiny of the person.

These powers of the dreamcatcher have made it a popular design for tattoos, much loved by people all over the world. It also reflects the rich Native American culture and history.

A dreamcatcher is a round wooden hoop that contains a loose string web with a hole in the center, and feathers hanging from the webbing. Nice dreams travel through the hole into the sleeper’s mind, while the bad ones, as well as nightmares, are trapped inside the web permanently.

Feathers are usually attached to the dreamcatcher to entertain babies, but they have a deeper meaning. A feather stands for breath and air, which is essential for life.

It is believed that each movement of the feathers announces the arrival. The passage of a new beautiful, and peaceful dream.

Different feathers can be used to adorn the dreamcatcher. An owl is a woman’s feather and it is kept to achieve wisdom. While Eagle is a man’s feather that represents courage.

Some tribes make dreamcatchers that have eight points, which are associated with the eight legs of the Spider Woman.

Incorporating only one gemstone into the dreamcatcher is meant to show. There is only one true, creator in the web of life. Four gemstones, instead, represent the four ordinal directions.

Dreamcatcher tattoos are very common among Native Americans, both men and women. They represent the symbol of their rich cultural heritage. And at the same time, they keep negative and evil energies away. They protect the person who wears them against nightmares and bad dreams while helping nice and joyful dreams.

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