Chaos Tattoo

The Symbol of Chaos originates from Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion stories. … In contrast, the symbol of Law is a single upright arrow. It is also called the Arms of Chaos, the Arrows of Chaos, the Chaos Star, the Chaos Cross, the Chaosphere, or the Symbol of Eight.While the peace sign is a highly recognizable symbol, there are many ways that people who wear it can add variety to it and make it a more personal image. People with friends or family in the military will add a yellow ribbon or dog tags to signify their military connection.

A peace sign can also represent that a person who is going through a rocky transformation or a tumultuous time is keeping their mind focused on the goal. Drawing around the peace sign or within the peace sign also turns the symbol into something more meaningful. Often people will request the flag of a country or a dove to make the picture more meaningful.

Peace symbol tattoos can actually be a request for two different types of designs.

This request ether means the circle with the vertical line splitting into three forks or the human hand holding up the index and the middle finger with the thumb overlaid across the ring and pinky fingers; not with the back side of the hand showing. This has a completely different meaning in different  parts of the world.

Inner peace tattoos are calming and relaxing and have several meanings. General inner peace represents a state of spiritual and mental peace.

There is no single design or rule to live with here. Some symbols that you can use to represent peace include Yin Yang, Buddha, lotus, peace and flowers.

Tribal peace sign tattoos are among the most popular peace sign designs. The tattoos are inked in many variations mostly portrayed alone or inked with other elements and symbols. Men mostly wear the tattoos even though there are women who sport them.

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