Custom Sun Tattoo

The sun, our primary source of life, has always been awe-inspiring. There are many reasons why a sun tattoo might be personally meaningful. The sun has had a religious and symbolic significance in many ancient cultures. Honoring the sun as a giver of life is an ancient and universal impulse, and may explain some of the popularity of sun tattoos.

Suns, moon and stars are by far some of the most fascinating subjects for both science and tattoo designs. A sun tattoo can be very significant to many people, in fact, it is one of the most popular design elements requested. The value of this design, in terms of symbolism, represents a very deep value for life itself. The symbolic and mystically design is amongst a favorite for both men and women. The individual manner in which the sun is drawn in body art has many interpretations. Providing a wealth of options as far as color and size, it would be pretty hard to find two people in the world with the same exact sun tattoo. For example, a sun tattoo can be simple, realistic, futuristic or tribal.

Tattoo meanings are highly personal, but sun tattoos generally stand for Strength, Growth, Fertility, Vitality, Endurance, Passion, Rebirth, Transformation.

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