Feather & Roman Characters

People get Roman numeral tattoos for all sorts of different reasons. They are a great way to display any sort of number, so they are especially popular as tattoos of important dates. People may use Roman numerals for tattoos of their date of birth, their wedding, their child’s date of birth, or any other significant life events. If someone feels that a number is lucky, or particularly important to them, they may choose to have it tattooed as a Roman numeral. There are other reasons to get a Roman numeral tattoo as well – for example, four siblings may choose to get the numeral IV tattooed onto all of them, as a reminder of how much they care for one another.

Roman numerals make for more interesting and striking tattoos than ordinary Arabic numbers, which is why they are so popular as tattoos. They are also a little more mysterious, as most people will have to spend a few minutes working out the number.

Roman numeral tattoos look great when the different symbols are laid out in a long line, and so they are especially good for longer numbers, such as dates. The neat black line of the Roman numerals makes for a very striking tattoo.

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