Koi Fish Tattoo

The koi fish is a symbol with extremely deep meaning for those who choose it as part of their body art.

If you have been considering getting a tattoo that involves a koi fish, take the time first to learn the meaning associated with them. The traditional significance of a koi fish tattoo can vary depending on the fish’s orientation (whether it is going up or down your body) and color. You want to be sure that your koi fish tattoo conveys the desired meaning.

Koi fish Tattoos are prominent in the work of Japanese tattoo artists because of a long-standing legend of how the fish become dragons. Most of the meaning and symbolism behind the fish stems from this ancient legend. Beliefs about the meaning and direction a koi fish is swimming in vary greatly. Some theories of what it means are actually contradictory. But, if you are using a koi in your tattoo, you can choose the meaning that applies to you. Tattoos are your form of self-expression.

Koi fish are capable of adapting to many different climates and water conditions and can symbolize strength. It is inherent in a koi’s nature to swim upstream. Through the koi fish legend, you can see that they show great determination, dedication, perseverance, and success.

The black koi is associated with successfully overcoming an obstacle. This symbol is great for those who have gone through a tough battle in life and have finally made it to a place of strength. These obstacles can include depression, drug addiction, an abusive relationship, and many other situations.

Koi fish tattoos often incorporate various symbols, such as the yin-yang symbol, water, and fire, dragons, or lotus flowers.

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