Guardian Angel Tattoo

There are a few designs that can match the beauty and meaning of angel tattoos. They usually carry a deep symbolic meaning for those who wear them. They can be worn for a variety of reasons and serve many different purposes. Angels are well known all across the world and they are part of Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and other religious belief systems. All of these characteristics make the angel tattoo highly sought after and popular.

Guardian angel tattoo

Most of us already know what angels are and what they represent.

  • They are believed to be messengers from God.
  • In fact, the word angel in Latin means “messenger of God.”
  • Angels have a variety of special talents, skills, and powers, such as the ability to travel from the heavens to earth and back.
  • Angels also protect the realm between heaven and earth.
  • The most common association with the angel is protection. It is believed that they watch over us and to protect us from evil.
  • Many people believe everyone has a guardian angel watching over us who is with us when we are born, through our life, during our death, and who guides us into the afterlife.
  • Angels are servants of God and represent everything good.
  • Some angels were thrown out of heaven for their rebellious acts, and are known as fallen angels. They proudly served God in the beginning but were thrown out of heaven for their evil deeds and ways. They are a symbol of suffering, pain, and sadness.
  • When we look at angel tattoos, guardian and fallen angels are common choices amongst men and women. There are also a variety of other designs:
  • Some people may choose a Cupid . Cupid is known as the “angel of love.”
    • Baby angels are another popular choice, especially for women.
    • Besides fallen angels, some people choose to have a devilish angel.
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